Never stop investing in yourself

Never stop investing in yourself as this is the most important thing you can do. Making yourself a priority isn’t selfish; it’s actually the most important thing that you can do because you can’t pour from an empty glass. Every investment you make in yourself today will pay dividends for years.

How can you invest in yourself right now?

Learn a new skill. The more that you learn, the more that you earn. Buy a book on a topic that fascinates you. Everything that you could want to learn about has been written about. You can spend $20 on a book to acquire a lifetime of knowledge. Spend money on your health. Always spend the money on eating better and the best physical training you can get. You want to ensure that you’re physically and mentally prepared for whatever life brings you. Take someone out for coffee or lunch. You can learn something from someone who’s a few steps ahead of you by offering to take them out for lunch. Attend an event or conference in your field. They say that your network is your net worth. You want to do what you can to get around those who are already where you want to be one day.

Taken from 15 Cheat Codes for Life: Jump 7 Years Ahead of People