A Book For People Who Don't Want to Be Broke.

Book Cover

Easy - Page a day format.

This book doesn't have a lot of words (or pictures) it's just the facts in simple language. The chapters are short, they tell you what you need to know.

I learnt about money by reading a lot and making a lot of mistakes. The process was painful and difficult. In hindsight it could have all been much simpler. Saving, Investing, Taxes all of it. Then I needed to explain it all to my kids as they finished college, that's why I wrote this book, to tell you how I did it. No fluff, no stress, just details in simple english.

What You Will Learn

Congratulations. As a graduate you are about to have more money than you’ve ever had in your life.

Around ⅔ of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Reading just a part of this book will stop you ending up that way.

If you don't need to read the whole book. The best information is in chapter 1. The rest of the book builds on that foundation by adding more details.

"If you read only one book per month, that will put you into the top 1% of income earners in our society."

Most books are never finished, this book is front loaded with the important details first, you can stop reading at any time.